Welcome back to the Monday Mingle!
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This Week's Theme: SECRETS
This Week's Questions:
1. Without giving to much info, what is the biggest secret you've ever kept?
EEK!! Umm... Well... There's a few...
2. Have you ever kept a secret from your Significant Other? Do you think he/she has kept any from you?
Of course I have! LOL Nothing major really, I think everyone needs to keep a few things to just their selves.
And I'm sure he keeps a few things to himself too, and I don't have an urge to drag every little thing out of him. Trust is important, and besides, we're both horrible liars! lol
And I'm sure he keeps a few things to himself too, and I don't have an urge to drag every little thing out of him. Trust is important, and besides, we're both horrible liars! lol
3. Who is the first person you would automatically want to tell a secret to?
Well, the husband mostly. I have a couple close friends that I will spill secrets to, but he's more convenient :)
4. Any secrets you want to get off your chest? Even if it's from the third grade, still counts.
Ahh.. guess not.. I usually end up telling on myself anyways. Sorry, nothing juicy that I'm willing to share!
5. Are you good at keeping secrets? Why or why not?
No, I'm an awful liar, and I like to talk haha. Important things I can keep quiet though.
Okay, now it's your turn. Grab the button and questions and repost on your page!!! You don't have to answer the questions, you can just repost the button. Link your post up and mingle with other bloggers!!! No rules, just meet new people!
Next week's theme: DRAMA
This is a Blog Hop!
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