Small Business Saturday HOP

Reposted from FPL

Small Business Saturday is November 30, 2013.
I am and always will be a BIG supporter of small businesses. I think they are the backbone of our communities and our country. I hope that this holiday shopping weekend you all will consider shopping Small Business and give back to the community.
I have tried to come up with a way to make it easy for some small businesses to bring their specials to you while making it easy for you to shop on Saturday. 
For the Small Businesses: If you are in fact a small business, please use the hop below to post your specials. Post a link to your website or special that will be happening on Saturday, November 30th. You simply post a link to the website, use a picture that best describes the special or your business, and describe your special or business in the Title.
Please only small businesses take advantage of this Hop. I will take down spammers and companies I deem big businesses. You have your days to run your specials so let the small businesses have their day. Please post only 2 specials on the hop. I will share this post several times on my page and other pages throughout the week and on Saturday. 
For the fans and shoppers, please share this page so everyone can enjoy the specials. At the bottom of the page there is a Share This option with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. Please utilize this to help promote the Small Businesses on this page. Thanks for your support!!

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